Admire traditional architecture

Remodelled and enlarged overtime, Masjed-e Jāmé reflects several distinct time periods in Iranian architecture. The development of special tools and building practices paved the way for ornamental embellishments and detailed tile work.
On the exterior, check out the four iwans courtyard design that was the first of its time. Facing north, south, east, and west, each iwan welcomes guests in contrasting style designs. Find your way to the west iwan into the Room of Sultan Uljeitu to see the stucco mihrab detailed with floral patterns and inscriptions from the Quran.
Go inside past the north iwan to admire one of the finest brick domes in all of Persia. The Taj al-Mulk Dome is mesmerising - thought to be mathematically perfect, it's hard to pull your eyes away.
The south iwan is the most impressive of the four in the courtyard. Wanting to draw attention to the mihrab, the southern iwan is much larger than its counterparts and has large muqarnas. These honeycomb shapes fill in the domed entryway and symbolise the complexity of Islamic culture.
Covering 20,000 square metres and with over 2000 years of construction, Masjed-e Jāmé is an architecture icon. Beauty can be found in the arched entryways, ripped vaults, geometric carving, and remarkable tilework. Take your time as you walk through the halls. From every brick to every inscription, the mosque has endless embellishments to admire.