Chinese House in Sanssouci Park

If you follow the main avenue Hauptallee, you'll discover the unforgettable Chinese House. This Rococo pavillion embraces chinoiserie fashion. Life-sized, golden figures can be found outside—either presented as single figures, or arranged in groups around the Tea House. As well, there are fairytale-like Chinese musicians and tea-drinking men and women with exotic character that blend well with the columns in the shape of golden palm trees.
The walls of the interior are adorned with gilded consoles on which porcelain objects are displayed. The large ceiling painting presents an exuberant Chinese social gathering depicted in an illusionistic architectural setting.
To this day, this building fascinates through its unusual shape and its figures, which play instruments, smoke tobacco, and drink tea. Frederick the Great, whose chinoiserie passion was influenced by his sister Wilhelmine, wanted to be taken to an imaginative world. This escape is now open to the public to enjoy.
Chinese House in Sanssouci Park
January – April:
Monday - Sunday: closed
May – October:
Monday: closed
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:30
November – December:
Monday - Sunday: closed
On public holidays, weekend opening hours apply unless otherwise stated.
Last admission: 30 minutes before closing
sanssouci+ Ticket
Price: € 19.00 Reduced: € 14.00
Buy tickets online
sanssouci+ Family Ticket
Price: € 49.00
Annual Pass for the Palaces
Price: € 60.00 Reduced: € 40.00
sanssouci+ Ticket and sanssouci+ Family Ticket are valid for one visit to all of the SPSG palaces in Potsdam, including Sanssouci Palace, on a single day. In the Belvedere Pfingstberg, ticket owners are granted the reduced rate. When purchasing a ticket sanssouci+ Online a fixed admission time (time-slot) in Sanssouci Palace is booked.