Journey through history on a guided tour

To fully appreciate the richness of this historic site, you might like to take a guided tour where you'll get the chance to visit both the museum and bridge, and even see inside the ancient canalisation channel on the third tier of the aqueduct.
In the museum, your guide will explain the importance of water in Roman times - using reconstructions of villas and public latrines, and models of villas - as well describing techniques and engineering used by Roman builders. A life size replica of the building site helps visitors appreciate the vast amount of work that must have been involved.
Your guide will then take you to explore the monument where you'll learn more about its distinctive features, its use over the centuries as well as the legends surrounding its construction. It is a great opportunity for discussion and a chance to unravel the mysteries of this civilisation which, even today, commands our admiration.
The visit will conclude 48 metres above the ground on the third level of the aqueduct. Your guide will lead the way into the Roman canal channels - a unique, unusual and emotionally-charged experience.
Journey through history on a guided tour
Guided tours every day (timetable varies depending on season)