
On 23rd June 2013, Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe was included in the list of cultural and natural World Heritage sites. The World Heritage site with an area of approximately 560 ha. was the first mountain park in the world to be given this honour. Thus, UNESCO marks out the park as an excellent example of European architecture and landscape gardening.
The park extends from the imposing Hercules monument down past the 350 metre long cascade system to Wilhelmshöhe Palace (Schloss Wilhelmshöhe) and beyond. The palace served as a summer residence for the landgraves and electors of Hesse-Kassel until 1866, and later for the Prussian kings and German kaisers.
The statue of Hercules with the Octagon has an identity-forming significance like no other monument in Northern Hesse. As the culmination of the cascade system, it watches over the UNESCO World Heritage site Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe at 596 m above sea level. The massive structure with the more than eight metre high statue of the ancient hero can be seen from everywhere in Kassel.
The famous water features provide a unique spectacle. The baroque grounds which extend from the Hercules monument down past the cascades were created at the end of the 17th century under Landgrave Charles of Hesse-Kassel (reg. 1677-1730). Landgrave William IX - later Elector William I. (reg. 1785-1821) - had imposing water features added to them at the end of the 18th century in line with an English landscape garden. Today, visitors can follow the water features from the Hercules monument. They walk along the Grand Cascades into the park, to thunderous waterfalls, romantic brooks and enchanted lakes until they reach an approximately 50 metre high fountain. Rising up in the form of a geyser, it is one of the many highlights. Then the visitors can continue following the water in the park, e.g. to the Jussow Waterfall, into the Valley of Flora or to the Isle of Roses. A view from one of the many viewing points is worth it.
Incorporated into the gesamtkunstwerk of the mountain park, Wilhelmshöhe Palace came into being from 1786: first the side wings - the southern Weissenstein Wing (Weißensteinflügel) and the northern Church Wing (Kirchflügel) - and finally the corps de logis, the central section. Only in the 19th century were the buildings joined together by the connecting buildings to form the present day Wilhelmshöhe Palace, which houses the Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister), the Collection of Antiquities (Antikensammlung) and the Collection of Prints and Drawings (Graphische Sammlung). The Weissenstein Wing was not destroyed in the Second World War, with the result that a unique collection of furniture from the time of the Empire is preserved there. The historic rooms of the palace can be visited in a guided tour.
The Lion Castle (Löwenburg), which was built in around 1800, is an extraordinary testimony to royal construction work. The building in a picturesque location is an imposing eye-catcher. From the distance, it looks like the perfect image of a romantic knight's castle from the Middle Ages. However, the furnishings follow the typical arrangement of a baroque country pleasure palace. In addition to the royal living apartments, it includes an armoury and a neo-gothic castle chapel. Due to extensive building work, only the armoury and the castle chapel can be visited at the moment.
The mountain park is open to visitors all year round with no admission fee and can only be accessed on foot. Car parks and access to public transport are located at the two main entrances: beneath Wilhelmshöhe Palace and by the Hercules monument. There, visitor centres provide an initial point of contact for a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage site Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe.
Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe :
free access all year round
Water features:
Every Wednesday, Sunday and public holiday from 1st May until 3rd October:
14:00 Start at the baroque cascades under the Hercules monument
15:05 Steinhöfer Waterfall
15:20 Devil's Bridge
15:30 Aqueduct
15:45 Grand Fountain (until approx. 16:00)
Every water feature is presented for approximately 10 minutes.
You can find information on the illuminated water features at www.beleuchtete-wasserspiele.de
Current information:
Construction work is taking place on the baroque cascades. This will have an effect on the flow of both the visitors and the water.
Hercules monument and Octagon (platform and pyramid):
15th March - 15th November: Tues-Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 17:00
1st May - 3rd October: every day 10:00 - 17:00
Subject to change due to the weather
Closed during the winter months
Entry: € 3 - Children under 18 free (tickets only available at the visitor centre)
Lion Castle (Löwenburg):
1st March - 15th November: Tues - Sun and public holidays10:00 - 17:00 (last tour: 16:00)
16th November - 28th February: Fri - Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 16:00 (last tour: 15:00)
The Lion Castle may only be visited on the hour in a guided tour.
Reduced entry incl. guided tour: € 2 - concessions € 1 - Children under 18 free
Current information
Due to extensive restoration work, the Lion Castle is currently only accessible at the side through the stables. Only the armoury and the castle chapel can be visited. A reduced entry fee applies.
Small architectural features:
The small architectural features are distributed throughout the mountain park and can be freely accessed at any time within the park. Some small architectural features are open for exploration by visitors on special dates with guided tours. You can find the dates in our events calendar.
Wilhelmshöhe Palace (Schloss Wilhelmshöhe):
Tues - Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 17:00
Wed to 20:00
Entry: € 6 - concessions € 4 - Children under 18 free
Audio guide for Picture Gallery/Collection of Antiquities (German/English): € 3
Weissenstein Wing (Weißensteinflügel):
1st March - 15th November: Tues - Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 17:00 (last tour: 16:00)
16th November - 28th February: Fri - Sun and public holidays 110:00 - 16:00 (last tour: 15:00)
The Weissenstein Wing may only be visited on the hour in a guided tour.
Entry incl. guided tour: € 4 - concessions € 3 - Children under 18 free
Tues, Wed and Thurs 9:00 - 13:00 (apart from public holidays)
The reading room is in the Church Wing of Wilhelmshöhe Palace. Please report to the administration at the entrance there.
Collection of Prints and Drawings (Graphische Sammlung):
Due to the light sensitivity of the paperwork, parts of the collection can only be presented in special exhibitions. However, it is always possible to view the photophobic treasures up close without glass and frames in the study room of the Collection of Prints and Drawings in the Church Wing of Wilhelmshöhe Palace, after making an appointment by telephone.
Please make your appointment by calling: 0049 (0)561 316 80-0
1st Sunday of Advent (3rd December) - 1st May: Tues - Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 17:00 (last admission: 16:30)
Entry: € 3 - concessions € 2 - Children under 18 free - Season ticket: € 20
Ballroom Building (Ballhaus):
The Ballroom Building is only open for special events.