Lifestyle in countryside
Because of this, my companion and I decided to radically change our lifestyle: we chose to live in the countryside so we moved to San Gimignano. Since 1960, a lot of people have chosen to live their lives here. This corner of Tuscany attracted and welcomed us.
The beauty of the historical centre and the rolling Tuscan hills brought us here and now we have strong ties with this area. After quitting our jobs in the city, we purchased a farm and started to work in agriculture. A lot of the old people from this area know the rythms of Earth and they passed their knowledge on to us. We chose to live our love story in this beautiful countryside.
Since the beginning we decided to make some Vernaccia of San Gimignano, an old wine, full of history and peculiar scents. Then we started cultivating saffron and we felt like we were living back in the Middle Ages, at a time when spices were sold at an extremely expensive price along the Mediterranean coasts. We chose to connect our lives to the traditions of such an old and generous land. To respect this land, we chose to have a biological production. With other farm owners around San Gimignano, we started the Biodistretto.
The choice of living in the country came together with this idea of importance we give to our Earth and the desire to protect and respect it, mainly thinking to the future of our children and to the future of our planet. We strongly believe that food is sacred because it expresses and promotes biodiversities, it is a fruit of our tradition because food can sooth the Earth and can heal humanity.
This is our daylife now: in the morning we don’t see the city traffic. When you live here you may find yourself driving behind a tractor, you slow down and you have time to look at the idyllic countryside. We observe the different seasons, the colours of the landscape and we taste the different products of the countryside. We are fully part of this marvellous landscape. We never get tired of it and each morning we are amazed by its beauty.