
According to one legend Midea has been founded by king Perseus, whereas another tradition states that this land was the prison where Hippodamia, Pelops’ mother, was punished, and the land was named after the queen. It was built to control the ancient passage to Epidaurus. Greek and foreign researchers have underlined its strategic position; the acropolis controls the plain of Argolida. Recent excavations brought to light two monumental entrances into the acropolis and various building complexes.
The archaeological site of the cemetery of Dendra is situated on a hill slope, on the west of the Mycenaean town of Midea, outside the village that bears the same name. It constitutes one of the biggest Mycenaean cemeteries of Peloponnesus. Dendra with its royal tombs is already famous for the excavation of the bronze armor of Dendra, the most ancient armor found. The discovery brought to light the ancient burial habits and confirmed Homeric poems. The valuables, the everyday life objects, the elaborate jewelry and the figurines of reverence discovered document the wealth of that period. Recent excavations brought to light the remains of two horses and provided valuable insight on the rituals of the Mycenaean age.
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*1st of January
*25th of March
- Easter Day
- 1st of May
- 25th-26th of December
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