Orsa Predator Park

At Orsa Predator Park, guests will experience some of the Northern Hemisphere's largest predators. These animals include Siberian tigers, polar bears, leopards, wolves, and Kodiak bears. They all live in a natural forest environment with large enclosures.
Visitors can walk on easily accessible roads through the woods and stop at information boards, exhibitions like Polar World or exciting "play and learn" stations, obstacle courses, and viewpoints.
The daily activities are among the park's most appreciated elements. Follow on a feeding, enrichment, or guided tour, when you get the chance to learn more about the animals and ask questions. The park is open every day and all year.
Orsa Predator Park
2020 Hours
The park is open daily 10.00-15.00, last entry one hour before closing.
For current entrance and tour prices, please visit orsarovdjurspark.se