The Stalactites of Kapsia Cave

A complex system of swallow-holes on the lush Mantineia mountain range has created a stunning cave near a town called Kapsia. It is easy to locate by driving around 1.5 kilometres north from the village. Multicoloured stalagmites and stalactites compose a unique and impressive canvas that is reflected on the surface of the small ponds inside the cave. The path into the bowels of the cave is 330 metres long and very pleasant thanks to the wonderful job lighting the area and marking of walkways.
Take a few moments in the Grand Salle des Merveilles (or Grand Hall of Miracles), as it has been dubbed. Take in the rich palette of colours: purples, reds, blues, greens, yellows and oranges set off by the pure white stalactites. You will see some of the rarest combinations of hues to be found in any cave in Greece, an explosion of colour that likely had the ancients in awe. The remains of humans and oil lamps have been found in the cave, and probably date from the Hellenistic period.
The Stalactites of Kapsia Cave
9:00 - 15:00
**Weekends: **
9:00 - 16:00
Full: €4, Reduced: €2
Group tickets: 3 euros