Tokaji Museum and the World Heritage Wine Museum

The people of Tokaj-Hegyalja have been involved in the cultivation of grapes since the 13th century, based on Italian and Walloon settlers. The wine region became the first closed wine region in the world in 1737. The king demarcated the wine region, thus creating the rules for Europe's and the world's first designation of origin.
Although it's the second smallest of Hungary's 22 wine regions, it's the most famous, and most important wine region in Hungary. The French king Louis the XIV famously referred to Tokaj wine as "The king of wines, the wine of the kings."
Tokaji Museum is in a 17th century, copf-style townhouse, filled with original frescoes, an interesting chimney system and a 16th century cellar under the house. It features exhibits of local geology, the flora and the fauna of the Tokaji Mountains; the aszú sorting table in the cellar, some winemaking tools, and religious icons in Greek and Russian Orthodox styles.
The World Heritage Museum is in an 18th century restored building. In November 2015, it was opened as the Museum of European World Heritage Vineyards. Although Tokaji wine is the main focus, you can find almost everything about wine, related work, and traditions. A virtual tour guide accompanies visitors through the wine museum, and interactive exhibits offer a better understanding of each showroom. The museum also offers tours of Tokaj-Hegyalja on foot, by bicycle and even by car.
Tokaji Museum and the World Heritage Wine Museum
Tokaji Museum:
1st of June - 30th of September:
Monday: closed.
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00
cash register closure at 17:30
1st of October - 31st of May:
Monday: closed.
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
cash register closure at 16:30
World Heritage Wine Museum:
1st of March - 31st of May:
Monday: closed.
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
cash register closure at 16:30
1st of June - 30th of September:
Monday: closed.
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00
cash register closure at 17:30
1st of October - 31st of December:
Monday: closed.
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
cash register closure at 16:30
Tokaji Museum:
Adults: 800 HUF
Student (age of 6-26): 400 HUF
Senior (age of 62-70): 400 HUF
Family ticket: 2 000 HUF (2 adults and 2 or more children under age of 16)
Group of adults: 700 HUF /person (above 15 people)
Group of students/seniors: 300 HUF /person (above 15 people)
World Heritage Wine Museum:
Adults: 1 000 HUF
Student (age of 6-26): 500 HUF
Senior (age of 62-70): 500 HUF
Family ticket: 2 500 HUF (2 adults and 2 or more children under age of 16)
Group of adults: 900 HUF /person (above 15 people)
Group of students/seniors: 400 HUF /person (above 15 people)
For the exhibitions of World Heritage Wine Museum (Serház str. 55.) and Museum of Tokaj (Bethlen G. str. 7.)
Adults: 1 500 HUF
Student / Senior: 600 HUF
Family ticket: 3 500 HUF (2 adults and 2 or more children under age of 16)