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Incredible view from Sarez Lake.
© Nodir Tursunzade / Shutterstock

Hike around Sarez Lake

Discover crystal-blue waters in the middle of Tajik mountains, formed just over a century ago.

Nicknamed the 'Sleeping Dragon', Sarez Lake is an almost mystical lake standing in the middle of the Tajik National Park, measuring about 75 kilometres long. Formed after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake in 1911, and named after the village that was buried during this seismic accident, you can only admire this lake after a tremendous trek.

Small house near Sarez Lake © Nodir Tursunzade / Shutterstock
Small house near Sarez Lake © Nodir Tursunzade / Shutterstock

The starting point of your hiking adventure to Sarez Lake is in Barchidev, the last human settlement in proximity to the lake, where you will be able to sleep, gather your strength, and meet your guide. Beside the permit needed to enter Tajik National Park - GBAO, paid to the park rangers directly - you will need a Sarez Lake permit and a guide. Sarez Travel is currently the only travel agency able to deliver the required permit and can also provide you with a guide.

From then on, the trek and your guide will lead you through Tajik steppes and along rivers during an approximately 35-kilometre-long hike, usually spread out over two days and one night, back and forth from Barchidev.


Hike around Sarez Lake


50 USD per day and per person